I left that trip with a large portfolio of teenage photography that unbeknownst to me, would propel me into the world of journalism and photojournalism.
I was inspired by the great photojournalists of the last century, and it became clear that I must further my understanding of peoples, cultures and the world. My mind was made up and I have spent the last four years studying Journalism at Edinburgh Napier University.
Curriculum Vitae
of Jessica H. Stark
This portfolio aims to showcase my aspirations in professional journalism. As I end my studies and look to future employment it is important to reflect on my time studying and practising journalism.
Removing the ‘student’ from my current ‘student journalist’ title is a daunting prospect but with the four years of learning that I have completed at university I believe I am fully prepared, qualified and have the perfect attitude to begin my professional adventure.
As I traversed the noisy, chaotic alleyways of ancient Jerusalem in October 2018, capturing candid shots of merchants bartering in the vibrant souk, I not only experienced the cultural whiplash of this most divided and devisive of cities, but also the exhilaration that comes from discovering something bigger than myself. I discovered authentic humanity – and an excitement for delving into the depths of their narratives, unearthing the essence of their existence.
My preferred mode of journalistic expression is broadcasting, be it on TV, radio or film. This has been the purest form of my journalistic talent and something I have worked hard to develop and emerge in.
Putting myself forward for anything and everything then requesting feedback has been a part of my biggest learns within the industry.
Shows I have worked on:
‘At the Starks Table’ - TV Show and YouTube host
‘Emma and Jessica Uncut’ - TV and YouTube show host
ENRG Radio station- The Morning Show and station host three times a week
‘Teuchter Tunes’ - show host (my own personal show, live once a week)
Live Stream Host at Power Church and Studios
Four years volunteering myself at every opportunity to present the student news outlet
5 years experience working with industry standard software including:
Adobe Illustrator
DaVinci Resolve
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Premiere Pro
Sub-Editing experience.
Written for published news outlets such as ENRG Culture and ENRG Lifestyle.
Bodies of my work can be found as part of Impulse Magazine 2022 edition, both online and in print.
My own personal blog, that has documented not only my life but news and culture, as well as reviews for arts organisations such as the RSNO, Scottish Ballet, Apollo Theatre Company and Websters Theatre over the last six years of my life.
(Copies of all my published work can be viewed in the Portfolio section)
I have now produced, written, edited and filmed two documentaries, including one that spans twenty minutes and has been pitched to studios, with the intention of creating a five part series.
I created, edit and manage the ENRG Social Media accounts that for the first time this year got a re-branding and I transformed what was once many confused pages into one master HUB page on Instagram and X. I have spent the last year sub-editing all content as well as creating my own, promoting each platform within our network in order to achieve the largest reach we have ever had in the ten years of ENRG.
My personal social media spaces (Instagram and Pinterest) were never something I intended for success! As with most people they simply began as places to share the going-ons of my life growing up . However, with the birth of reels, I grew inspired to create my own short documentaries, which I found to be a more captivating way of sharing what I wanted people to see of my life. This rapidly grew my Instagram channel and has allowed me to seal brand deals that sponsor and pay. Similar things began to happen on my Pinterest as my love for fashion became more than just a personal enjoyment. Now I am set up under the business model of the app and share insights with other influencers.
One of my main roles in the four years I have been a member of Edinburgh Napier’s hockey team I have been Social Media Editor and secretary for their Instagram and Facebook pages. This was an extensive role, establishing the theme and ideas that we wish to promote as a team that has influence. With 200 members to manage and many networking meetings between other universities, this role was definetly more than just a social media manager!
For twelve years of my life, I have been the face and voice of the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, including for several years recording interviews and filming adverts to the UK and beyond.
In addition, please see all the TV work I have described in the ‘Broadcasting’ section above.
Personal accounts and business accounts I have managed on social media:
Emma Stark ( Public Figure)
Global Prophetic Alliance (large UK based Charity)
Lead UK ( large UK based Charity)
Stark Studio - personal account used for broadcasting short informative reels only.
Designing websites has become more than simply something I enjoyed exploring for fun. I have unearthed a real talent for the design, layout and building of websites.
This did not go unrecognised and I was snapped up by a start-up social media app ‘YUTU’. I stepped in to help save a dying website that now thrives and sees hundreds of visitors weekly. Beyond this I was employed as their Press Manager.
I am skilled in both long-form and short-form writing techniques.
With much experience as a researcher, I am aware of SEO practices and have understood the phases of user journeys and how to tweak content to generate growth and the best impact visually for user experience.
I use ‘Google Trends’ to understand where the user journey may need adjustments and I am comfortable navigating SEO terms.
I have built several online shops from the ground up. What started as the perfect place to practice coding has become a paying skill. Advancing on something that started purely as a repository for my articles and blogs, I have been pushed to create spaces that include facilities to house payment plans and advertise on a multi-media platform and I am loving exploring and testing the limits of what can be done.
One of my favourite website creations is one that follows the most impactful and boundary breaking fashion trends and runway shows, architecture and technologies of the 21st century - updated weekly with image gallery and articles. ‘Credible’ was my side hobby, turned potential future form of employment.